Friday, September 26, 2014

Drink Good Coffee and Read *good* Books A-Thon (last update..updated)

I made a fancy button thingy! Lookit me! All growed up!

So I am slowly falling behind on my TBR stack, and well...that's never a good thing. (Doesn't help I keep BUYING new books, but anyhoodle!) So what's a gal to do? Well if you are a nerdlette like me, you make your own freaking read-a-thon!

So what if you do it by yourself! You gotta warm up your eye holes for the October thon anways! 

So starting now (3pm CST) until Midnight (ish) on Sunday, I will be risking my eye sight to cut down my TBR stack! Reading and drinking insane amounts of caffeine and nerding out! You CAN read with me, or you can just point and laugh as I slowly slip into a reading/caffeine induced insanity! Your call! 

Here goes!

1st Book:
(Finishing Reading)
The Selection by Kiera Cass
Starting Page: 96
Thoughts: I loved it so so much! I bought the second book in the series! *See I told you I do stupid things like buy new books when I don't need to!*

2nd Book:
The Elite by Kiera Cass
Starting Page: 1
Finished: YES! Book 2 woot woot!
Thoughts: OMG! I knew that I was enjoying this series, but dang how good it is? AMAZEBALLS good! So yeah, on to book 3! (Another new purchase but I don't even give a fudge!)

3rd Book: 
The One by Kiera Cass
Starting Page:  1
Finished: No
Thoughts: So good!

I read a total of 2 1/2 books this weekend! I would have read more, but there was booze and new shows to watch! I did feel super awesome amazing about reading my 2 1/2 though! Even though, 1 and 1/2 of them were bought instead of from my TBR stack! Oh well. The FrightFall readathon is on! I'll get more knocked off this week!


Anything beyond a 4th book is just ridiculous, but given the right amounts of insanity and coffee I may just do it? Who knows!? Check back later to see if I am still alive/functioning!

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